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Polk School District Strategic Plan 2017-2022

8/4/2017 - 6/30/2022
Red Label No Change or Declined
Yellow Label Progress but did not meet
Green Label Meets or Exceeds

Goal I. Polk School District will improve student achievement in the elementary, middle, and high schools. By the end of FY22 all Polk School District Schools will show a 2 point gain in content mastery.

ObjectivesPerformance Measures 2018 2019 2020 2021
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
Students will demonstrate a two point increase in proficiency for 9-12 students on the Georgia milestones - EOCs in English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies as measured by scoring proficient or above.Georgia Milestones 9th Grade Literature: % of students developing or higher 80 80 85 90 90 NA NA NA
Georgia Milestones American Literature: % of students developing or higher 80 76 80 72 85 NA 85 -
Georgia Milestones Algebra I: % of students developing or higher 60 71 70 74 75 NA 75 -
Georgia Milestones Geometry: % of students developing or higher 75 67 70 70 75 NA NA NA
Georgia Milestones Physical Science: % of students developing or higher 60 59 65 80 70 NA NA NA
Georgia Milestones Biology: % of students developing or higher 65 64 65 67 70 NA - -
Georgia Milestones US History: % of students developing or higher 65 67 70 64 70 NA - -
Georgia Milestones Economics: % of students developing or higher 65 71 70 63 70 NA NA NA
Students will demonstrate a two point increase of fifth and eighth grade students will demonstrate a proficiency on the ELA section of the state GMAP assessment each year in Reading and Writing as measured by the students score proficient or higher.Georgia Milestones 5th Grade ELA: % of students developing or higher 70 76 70 69 75 NA 75 -
Georgia Milestones 8th Grade ELA: % of students developing or higher 60 61 65 73 75 NA 75 -
Students will demonstrate a two point increase of fifth and eighth grade students will demonstrate a proficiency on the Mathematics section of the state GMAP assessment each year as measured by the students score proficient or higher.Georgia Milestones 5th Grade Mathematics: % of students developing or higher 75 72 70 69 70 NA 70 -
Georgia Milestones 8th Grade Mathematics: % of students developing or higher 60 77 65 75 75 NA 75 -
Polk School District will improve the graduation rate for the district by 2% through demonstration of improvement in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies as measured by the graduation rate for the CCRPIGraduation Rate- 4 year cohort: % of all students 83 81.3 82 82.2 83 86.82 86 -
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