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The Way Forward 2026 DAS-REMI

9/1/2021 - 6/30/2026
Red Label No Change or Declined
Yellow Label Progress but did not meet
Green Label Meets or Exceeds

Priority Goal 1. Student Success, Academic Achievement, and Life Readiness

Performance ObjectivesPerformance Measures Baseline FY22 FY23 FY24
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
Increase and promote the number of work/life experiences and creative opportunities for students.Increase or maintain the District's 4-year cohort graduation rate N/A 87.6% N/A 87.6% 88.0% 89.1% 88.3% -
Increase the % of students earning a credential of value status (dual enrollment, work-based learning, End-of-Pathway completion to include assessment) *targets reflect State Determined Levels of Performance N/A 50% N/A 50% 51.5% - 52.96% -
Increase the percentage of gender diversity in non-traditional programs. N/A 12.57% 13% - 14% - 15% -
Improve the integrity and fidelity of implementation of cohesive district-wide curriculum frameworks, instructional delivery, and assessment.Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students reading on grade level based on Lexile Score >= 520 N/A 46% N/A 46% 49% 57% 52% -
Increase 5th grade content mastery weighted performance in math N/A 40.5 N/A 40.5 44.1 44.3 47.6 -
Maintain typical or high growth in literacy for students in grades 2, 4, and 7 >= 50% 61% >= 50% 61% >= 50% 70% >= 50% -
Maintain typical or high growth in math for students in grades 2, 4, and 7 >= 50% 62% >= 50% 62% >= 50% 54% >= 50% -
Provide for and maximize early learning opportunities.Increase the number of classrooms for early learning opportunities (3 & 4 years old) N/A TBD TBD - TBD - TBD -
Increase the % of Kindergarten students demonstrating developmentally appropriate early reading and math skills. N/A 84% N/A 84% 84.5% 86.5% 85% -
Increase the % of SCCPSS Pre-K program students demonstrating developmentally appropriate early reading and math skills as measured by the GKIDS Readiness Check N/A 72.5% N/A 72.5% 73.3% 74.5 74.2% -
Provide support and services to address students’ learning recovery, social and emotional learning, and life skill development.Increase the percentage of students completing credit recovery courses N/A 93% N/A 93% TBD - TBD -
Establish baseline, track, and address student social and emotional learning. N/A TBD TBD - TBD - TBD -
Increase the number of students participating in an apprenticeship program N/A TBD TBD - TBD - TBD -
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