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Troup County Continuous System Improvement Plan Vision 2025

7/1/2022 - 6/30/2025
Red Label No Change or Declined
Yellow Label Progress but did not meet
Green Label Meets or Exceeds

Strategic Priority 1. Focus on Student Success an Well Being

ElementsPerformance Measures 2021 2022 2023 2024
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
Improve Instructional and Curricular Coherence (Performance Measures)Math - the percent of 3rd grade students scoring proficient and distinguished on the Georgia Milestones Spring Assessment. 49 30.4 53 41.6 57 43.4 61 -
Math - the percent of 5th grade students scoring proficient and distinguished on the Georgia Milestones Spring Assessment. 40.9 28.9 45.8 33.5 50.7 33.5 55.6 -
Math - the percent of 8th grade students scoring proficient and distinguished on the Georgia Milestones Spring Assessment. 31.9 21.5 37.8 30.3 43.7 31.7 49.6 -
Math - the percent of students taking High School Algebra scoring proficient and distinguished on the Georgia Milestones prior to SY22 Spring only, SY22 to date Full year reported (includes 8th grade Algebra). 37.3 23.5 42.6 33.5 47.9 38.9 53.2 -
English Language Arts - the percent of American Lit and Comp students scoring proficient and distinguished on the Georgia Milestones; prior to SY22 Spring only, SY22 to date Full year reported. 38.2 25.5 43.4 24.8 48.6 26.4 53.8 -
English Language Arts - the percent of 8th grade students scoring proficient and distinguished on the Georgia Milestones Spring Assessment. 39.1 28.6 44.2 32.3 49.3 34.3 54.4 -
English Language Arts - the percent of 5th grade students scoring proficient and distinguished on the Georgia Milestones Spring Assessment. 41.8 29.5 46.6 36.6 51.4 35.7 56.2 -
English Language Arts - the percent of 3rd grade students scoring proficient and distinguished on the Georgia Milestones Spring Assessment. 40 23.7 45 31.7 50 33.5 55 -
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