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 Graduation Readiness Objective: All students of Pelham City Schools will graduate ready for college, career, and life. (Goal 1) Data will be collected through multiple forms of assessment and will be used to drive instruction.26
 Graduation Readiness Objective: All students of Pelham City Schools will graduate ready for college, career, and life. (Goal 2) Conduct system and school vertical and horizontal alignment meetings to support GSE implementation.7
 Graduation Readiness Objective: All students of Pelham City Schools will graduate ready for college, career, and life. (Goal 3)Increase professional learning during teacher/staff meetings with an emphasis on Standards Based Instruction, GSE, CCRPI, and TKES.5
 Graduation Readiness Objective: All students of Pelham City Schools will graduate ready for college, career, and life. (Goal 4) Expand and strengthen understanding of RTI and effectively implement the Pyramid of Interventions at all schools.13
 Graduation Readiness Objective: All students of Pelham City Schools will graduate ready for college, career, and life. (Goal 5) Increase standardized test (Georgia Milestones) results in all content areas and increase the pass rate on CTAE End of Pathway Assessments.15
 Graduation Readiness Objective: All students of Pelham City Schools will graduate ready for college, career, and life. Increase the number of students who score in the highest achievement category on the Georgia Milestones Assessment.18
 Graduation Readiness Objective: All students of Pelham City Schools will graduate ready for college, career, and life. Increase instructional relevance by focusing on college and career readiness18
 Graduation Readiness Objective: All students of Pelham City Schools will graduate ready for college, career, and life. Improve literacy across all content areas and grade levels18
 Graduation Readiness Objective: All students of Pelham City Schools will graduate ready for college, career, and life. Ensure that the schools provide students with a safe, orderly, and supportive learning environment built on respect and encouragement.39
 Funding Objective: Resources will be leveraged to the maximum benefit of all Pelham City Schools students. Continually monitor ESPLOST revenue from both Mitchell County/Pelham to plan for future facility needs.24
 Funding Objective: Resources will be leveraged to the maximum benefit of all Pelham City Schools students. Continue to follow and improve upon all recognized good practices related to expenditure controls at each individual school site as well as at the system level.65
 Funding Objective: Resources will be leveraged to the maximum benefit of all Pelham City Schools students.53
 Funding Objective: Resources will be leveraged to the maximum benefit of all Pelham City Schools students. Continue to improve upon offering quality breakfast options, break items and will balanced lunches to students and staff.21
 Funding Objective: Resources will be leveraged to the maximum benefit of all Pelham City Schools students. Provide clean, well-maintained and safe school facilities.52
 Pubic Relations/Communication Objective: Pelham City Schools will continually foster positive communicative relationships with all persons associated with the system for the betterment of its students. Collaboratively involve stakeholders in shaping the direction of Pelham City Schools.72
 Pubic Relations/Communication Objective: Pelham City Schools will continually foster positive communicative relationships with all persons associated with the system for the betterment of its students. Improve upon consistent information dissemination among employees, parents, and the community by fully utilizing all technology available.56
 Public Relations/Communication Objective Statement: Continually foster positive communicative relationships with all persons associated with Pelham City Schools for the betterment of its students. Continue and improve upon maintaining an open organization where differing professional opinions are valued and discussed with the understanding that decisions are driven by what is in the best interest of the students.61
 Public Relations/Communication Objective Statement: Continually foster positive communicative relationships with all persons associated with Pelham City Schools for the betterment of its students. Increase parental engagement and community involvement.58
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