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Evolving from the frequently cited and popular printed book, "A Guide to School Law in Georgia," authored by Sam Harben and Phil Hartley and first published by GSBA in the year 2000, GSBA eLaw is Georgia's most popular and respected school law legal resource on the Internet.

The Georgia School Boards Association is extremely pleased to have partnered with Harben and Hartley to publish the original printed book and this new online edition called GSBA eLaw.  We will continue that partnership so that educational leaders will have a ready and updated source from which they can obtain reliable information on school law in Georgia. The GSBA Board of Directors and staff believe that this guide is a “must-have resource” for anyone who serves public education in Georgia.

Holders of the original printed version of "A Guide to School Law in Georgia" will still treasure their original publication and quickly grow to appreciate and rely on this natural evolution of that publication as the number one resource for up-to-date school law answers.  GSBA eLaw is truly the school law reference for Georgia educators!

Jeannie M. (Sis) Henry
Executive Director
Georgia School Boards Association

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