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All Board Meetings will held in the HSD Boardroom

Hawthorne School District
14120 Hawthorne Blvd.
HawthorneCA 90250
Phone: 310-676-2276
Fax: 310-644-9216

Board of Trustees

Luciano Aguilar Luciano Aguilar
Title: President
Work phone:
Home phone:
Dr. Eugene Krank Dr. Eugene Krank
Title: Vice President
Work phone:
Home phone:
Vice President
Cristina Chiappe Cristina Chiappe
Title: Clerk
Work phone:
Home phone:
Sergio R. Mortara Sergio R. Mortara
Title: Board Member
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Member
Vicente Bravo Vicente Bravo
Title: Board Member
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Member

Welcome to GAMUT.  This site is used by the Hawthorne School District Board of Trustees to organize, manage, and align critical information for the district including board policies and board meetings.  We invite all of our community stakeholders to access this site to better understand the work that is happening in our District, and we welcome your input and dialog to help us best serve our students. 

Pursuant to Board Bylaw 9323 and Section 54943.3 of the Government Code, members of the public may address the Board on any item of interest to the public that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board.  Public comment may be made at this time or may be deferred to when the Board considers the item on the agenda. There is a three-minute limit per person and a twenty-minute limit per topic.

Any member of the public who requires a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in this meeting should submit a detailed written request to the Office of the Superintendent at the District Office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Writings related to the agenda items for an open session of a regular meeting, which are distributed less than 72 hours prior to the regular meeting, are public records and may be inspected at the Hawthorne School District office, 14120 S. Hawthorne Boulevard, Hawthorne, California 90250. Such writings are generally posted on the District’s Internet website, and shall be made available for public inspection at the meeting if prepared by the District, or after the meeting if prepared by some other person. (Government Code 54957.5.)

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