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Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District
1310 Stroud Ave
KingsburgCA 93631
Phone: 559-897-2331
Fax: 559-897-4784

Board Members

Karyll Smith Quinn Karyll Smith Quinn
Title: Board Member
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Member
Brad Bergstrom Brad Bergstrom
Title: Board Member
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Member
Constance Lunde Constance Lunde
Title: Board Clerk
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Clerk
Frank Yanes Frank Yanes
Title: Board President
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board President
Rev. Edward Ezaki Rev. Edward Ezaki
Title: Board Member
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Member

Thank you for visiting Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District's Gamut website, which houses the board policies, regulations, and exhibits that govern our district. Whether you're a student, parent, educator, community member, you've come to the right place.

What You'll Find on Our Website:

Board Policies: These policies guide our district's operations, ensuring that everything is conducted in alignment with the highest standards of education and ethics.

Regulations: Detailed regulations supplement and provide guidance for our board policies. These regulations offer a deeper understanding of how policies are put into practice within our district.

Exhibits: Supporting exhibits provide context, examples, and additional information related to our board policies and regulations. These exhibits help bring policies to life and showcase how they impact our educational community.

Search and Browse: Use our user-friendly search and browsing features to quickly locate specific policies, regulations, or exhibits. 

A well-informed community is a strong community. If you have any questions regarding a policy/regulation or cannot find what you are looking for, please contact Sarah Ballard, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at 559-897-2331 or
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