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Washington State Board of Education
600 Washington Street SE P.O. Box 47206
OlympiaWA 47206
Phone: 360-725-6025

Mission and Vision


The Washington State Board of Education envisions an education system where students are engaged in personalized education pathways that prepare them for civic engagement, careers, postsecondary education, and lifelong learning. 


The mission of the State Board of Education is to provide transparent leadership in K-12 education policy-making; effective oversight of schools serving Washington K-12 students; and, assertive advocacy for student personal growth and success. These three areas of responsibility will support a system that personalizes learning for each student and values diverse cultures, abilities, and learning styles. 

Equity Statement

The Washington State Board of Education uses equity as a guiding principle in carrying out its statutory charges, strategic planning, and policymaking. The Board believes that the state’s school system exists to empower all students and assure they are ready to become productive, caring, and civically engaged community members. Read more. See SBE Equity Lens.

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