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West Ada School District
1303 East Central Drive
MeridanID 83642

Board of Trustees

Lori Frasure Lori Frasure
Title: Chairman, Trustee Zone 1
Work phone:
Home phone:
Chairman, Trustee Zone 1
Lucas Baclayon Lucas Baclayon
Title: Trustee Zone 2
Work phone:
Home phone:
Trustee Zone 2
Angie Redford Angie Redford
Title: Trustee Zone 3
Work phone:
Home phone:
Trustee Zone 3
David Binetti David Binetti
Title: Trustee Zone 4
Work phone:
Home phone:
Trustee Zone 4
Rene Ozuna Rene Ozuna
Title: Vice-Chair, Trustee Zone 5
Work phone:
Home phone:
Vice-Chair, Trustee Zone 5


The West Ada School Board is the policy making body of the school district, establishing the principles that govern the daily operation of the school system. Each of the five trustees represent specific geographic zones in the district. Individual members have no authority to act on their own but meet as a board in a formal session. They receive no salaries or benefits and are elected to a four-year term.
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