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Proposed social studies standards open for 30-day public comment

Proposed social studies standards open for 30-day public comment
May 5, 2016 -- The State Board of Education has posted the first Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for social studies for a 30-day public comment period. If approved, the standards will be implemented in the 2017-18 school year, following a year of teacher training.

The draft standards, along with supporting documentation, are available here:

> Social Studies Georgia Standards of Excellence

> Crosswalk: Georgia Performance Standards to Georgia Standards of Excellence

> Board Item

To provide your feedback on the proposed standards, click here.

The proposed standards were developed based on a formal review and evaluation process which included opportunities for teachers, parents and families, students, business and industry, and committee members to participate through surveys and committees. The current review period comes prior to a vote by the State Board of Education on whether to approve the new standards.

Following an initial 60-day public comment period, the State Board postponed the adoption of the Social Studies GSE at its March 31, 2016 meeting. Social Studies committee members reconvened and made additional recommendations on April 20.

"We're committed to ensuring the best standards for our students, based on feedback from teachers, parents, students, and the public," State Superintendent Richard Woods said. "I want to thank every Georgia educator and every concerned citizen who has taken time to provide feedback during this process."

Survey opportunities will close on June 3, 2016, 5:00 P.M. E.S.T.
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