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Sample Resolution on Grading During Emergency School Closures

During the COVID-19 school closures and the implementation of distance learning, continuing to use existing policy and administrative regulation on grades (BP/AR 5121 - Grading/Evaluation of Student Achievement) is not practical for many districts. Although the district could revise its policy and regulation, any such action may need to be revisited once schools reopen. Alternatively, districts can employ the use of a board resolution and the authority of the superintendent (see Board Policy 2210 - Administrative Discretion Regarding Board Policy) to take necessary action and implement temporary solutions during this time of crisis, as it may do in other areas of district operations. To that end, CSBA has developed the attached sample board resolution on grading that incorporates grading alternatives as options for districts to use during the school closures. These grading options are consistent with the recent guidance issued by the California Department of Education.

PDF CSBA-Resolutions-C-19-Grading-04-2020.pdf
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