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Education Leadership Job Listings - (maintained by the National School Boards Association)

Superintendent Search

The National Affiliation of Superintendent Searchers (NASS) is the most experienced network of executive search professionals in the country. We support this national network for state school boards associations as their best resource for finding and recruiting qualified school superintendents.

State school boards association search professionals are uniquely qualified to provide a highly specialized, well-organized search that will attract quality candidates and adhere to the highest standards of ethics and effective school governance.

NASS members have extensive knowledge of state laws pertaining to the hiring process, including the superintendent certification guidelines for each state. They also understand school governance best practices and provide ongoing supports to develop productive board/superintendent relations. With more than 60 consultants in 35 states, NASS has a proven track record of placements that last, bringing sustained and quality leadership to your district.

To find out more about the process of selecting a chief executive in Alabama, please contact a NASS professional at the Alabama Association of School Boards (

You can use the link below to view other state school boards associations' search services.

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