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Rule Number:160-4-8-.17

Case Management Consultation for Agency Placed Transfer Students  

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(a) Case Management Consultation (CMC) – a consultation by a school social
worker or case manager in which a process is used to discover whether any transition
problems exist and whether any services are necessary for a child placed by the
Department of Human Resources (DHR) or Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ).
This process will be utilized each time a DHR- or DJJ-placed child enrolls in a new

(b) Transition services – services necessary to provide a seamless transition to a
DHR- or DJJ-placed child when he or she enters a new school.


(a) Each school principal shall designate a school social worker or other staff
member to act as case manager. The case manager shall be the point of contact for
DHR and DJJ personnel providing five-day advance notification of planned
enrollment of a child pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 20-2-133.

(b) Upon notification that a DHR or DJJ child will be enrolled in a school, the
case manager shall consult with the student, Division of Family and Children
Services caseworker/DJJ counselor, and the parent/guardian/foster parent within five
school days to determine whether transition or other services are necessary for the
child. The child should be immediately enrolled in accordance with State Board of
Education Rule 160-5-1-.28 Student Enrollment and Withdrawal.

(c) If it is determined that transition or other services are necessary upon
enrollment, such services may include any of the following.

1. Tour and orientation session

2. Introduction to buddy or peer to facilitate transition

3. Assistance with course selection

4. Referral to SST process

5. Referral to special education

6. Other services as needed, e.g., social services, counseling, community
collaboration, parent/guardian meetings, etc.

(d) Documentation of CMC activities shall be maintained by the case manager in
the student’s file and shall include the following.


1. Student’s name

2. Consultation dates

3. Identification of transition or other services needed

4. Recommended course of action (list of services, referral)

5. Monitoring of student progress

6. Date that services are determined to no longer be needed

(e) This rule shall become effective beginning with the 2006-2007 school year.


Georgia Department Of Education
Adopted Date:  1/11/2018
Effective Date:  1/31/2018

NOTE: The State of Georgia has moved the Georgia Code. This new environment no longer allows us to link directly to the Georgia Code. For example enter 20-02-0211 in the search window and the Georgia Code will appear.
Policy Code Description
JGEB Case Management/Consultation
Georgia Code Description
O.C.G.A § 20-02-0240 Powers and dutes of SBOE
These references are not intended to be part of the rule itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this rule. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the rule.
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