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Rule Number:160-4-8-.05

School Counseling  

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(a) Counseling – a process where some students receive assistance from professionals
who assist them to overcome emotional and social problems or concerns which may
interfere with learning.

(b) Guidance – a process of regular assistance that all students receive from parents,
teachers, school counselors, and others to assist them in making appropriate educational
and career choices.

(c) School counseling and guidance services – guidance, program planning,
implementation and evaluation; individual and group counseling; classroom and smallgroup
guidance; career and educational development; parent and teacher consultation;
and referral.


(a) The local board of education (LBOE) shall provide for school guidance and
counseling services in accordance with state and federal laws, State Board of Education
rules, and department guidelines by:

1. Insuring that each school counselor is engaged in counseling or guidance activities,
including advising students, parents, or guardians, for a minimum of five of six fulltime
segments or the equivalent.

(2) Including the following as duties of the school counselor:

(i) Program design, planning, and leadership

(I) Develops a written school-based guidance and counseling program.

(II) Implements an individual plan of action.

(ii) Counseling

(I) Coordinates and implements delivery of counseling services in areas of self-knowledge,
educational and occupational exploration, and career planning to facilitate
academic achievement.

(II) Schedules time to provide opportunities for various types of counseling.

(III) Counsels learners individually by actively listening, identifying and defining
issues, discussing alternative solutions, and formulating a plan of action.

(IV) Adheres to established system policies and procedures in scheduling appointments
and obtaining parental permission.

(V) Leads counseling or support groups for learners experiencing similar problems.

(VI) Evaluates effectiveness of group counseling and makes revisions as necessary.

(iii) Guidance and collaboration

(I) Coordinates with school staff to provide supportive instructional guidance activities
that relate to students’ self-knowledge, educational and occupational exploration, and
career planning to facilitate academic achievement.

(II) Conducts classroom guidance activities related to identified goals and objectives.

(III) Gathers and evaluates data to determine effectiveness of classroom and student
comprehension, making revisions when necessary.

(IV) Provides direct/indirect educationally based guidance assistance to learners
preparing for test taking.

(V) Provides information to students, parents, teachers, administrators, and, when
appropriate, to the community on student test scores.

(VI) Provides information to students and parents on career planning.

(iv) Consultation and coordination

(I) Consults, as needed or requested, with system/staff, parents, and community about
issues and concerns.

(II) Collaborates with school staff in developing a strategy or plan for improving
school climate.

(III) Follows up on counseling and consultative referrals.

(IV) Consults with school system in making referrals to community agencies.

(V) Implementation of a comprehensive and developmental guidance and counseling
curriculum to assist all students.

(v) Insuring that each school counselor is engaged in other functions for no more than
one of the six program segments or the equivalent.


Georgia Department Of Education
Adopted Date:  12/9/2021
Effective Date:  12/29/2021

NOTE: The State of Georgia has moved the Georgia Code. This new environment no longer allows us to link directly to the Georgia Code. For example enter 20-02-0211 in the search window and the Georgia Code will appear.
Policy Code Description
GBBA Professional Personnel Qualifications and Duties
Georgia Code Description
O.C.G.A § 20-02-0182 Program weights to reflect funds for payment of salaries and benefits
These references are not intended to be part of the rule itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this rule. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the rule.
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