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Rule Number:160-5-1-.35

Seclusion and Restraint for All Students  

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Code: JGF(2)



(a) Chemical restraint - any medication that is used to control behavior or restrict the student’s freedom of movement that is not a prescribed treatment for the student's medical or psychiatric condition. Use of chemical restraint is prohibited in Georgia public schools and educational programs.

(b) Mechanical restraint - the use of any device or material attached to or adjacent to a student’s body that is intended to restrict the normal freedom of movement and which cannot be easily removed by the student. The term does not include an adaptive or protective device recommended by a physician or therapist when used as recommended by the physician or therapist to promote normative body positioning and physical functioning, and/or to prevent self injurious behavior. The term also does not include seatbelts and other safety equipment when used to secure students during transportation. Use of Mechanical restraint is prohibited in Georgia public schools and educational programs.

(c) Physical restraint - direct physical contact from an adult that prevents or

significantly restricts a student’s movement. The term physical restraint does not

include prone restraint, mechanical restraint, or chemical restraint. Additionally,

physical restraint does not include: providing limited physical contact and/or

redirection to promote student safety, providing physical guidance or prompting when

teaching a skill, redirecting attention, providing guidance to a location, or providing


(d) Prone restraint - a specific type of restraint in which a student is intentionally

placed face down on the floor or another surface, and physical pressure is applied to

the student’s body to keep the student in the prone position. Use of prone restraint is

prohibited in Georgia public schools and educational programs.

(e) Seclusion - a procedure that isolates and confines the student in a separate area

until he or she is no longer an immediate danger to himself/herself or others. The

seclusion occurs in a specifically constructed or designated room or space that is

physically isolated from common areas and from which the student is physically

prevented from leaving. Seclusion may also be referred to as monitored seclusion,

seclusion timeout, or isolated timeout. Seclusion does not include situations in which

a staff member trained in the use of de-escalation techniques or restraint is physically

present in the same unlocked room as the student, time-out as defined in paragraph

(1)(g) of this rule, in-school suspension, detention, or a student-requested break in a

different location in the room or in a separate room. Use of seclusion is prohibited in

Georgia public schools and educational programs.

(g) Time-out – a behavioral intervention in which the student is temporarily

removed from the learning activity but in which the student is not confined.


(a) The use of seclusion is prohibited in Georgia public schools and educational


(b) The use of prone restraint is prohibited in Georgia public schools and

educational programs.

(c) The use of mechanical restraint is prohibited in Georgia public schools and

educational programs.

(d) The use of chemical restraint is prohibited in Georgia public schools and

educational programs.

(e) The use of physical restraint is prohibited in Georgia public schools and

educational programs except in those situations in which the student is an immediate

danger to himself or others and the student is not responsive to less intensive

behavioral interventions including verbal directives or other de-escalation techniques.

1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, physical restraint is prohibited in Georgia public

schools and educational programs:

(i) as a form of discipline or punishment,

(ii) when the student cannot be safely restrained, and

(iii) when the use of the intervention would be contraindicated due to the student’s

psychiatric, medical, or physical conditions as described in the student’s educational


(f) All physical restraint must be immediately terminated when the student is no

longer an immediate danger to himself or others or if the student is observed to be in

severe distress.

(g) Schools and programs that use physical restraint in accordance with paragraph

(2)(e) of this rule must develop and implement written policies to govern the use of

physical restraint. Parents must be provided information regarding the school or

program’s policies governing the use of physical restraint. The written policies must

include the following provisions:

1. Staff and faculty training on the use of physical restraint and the school or

programs policy and procedures,

2. Written parental notification when physical restraint is used to restrain their

student within a reasonable time not to exceed one school day from the use of


3. Procedures for observing and monitoring the use of physical restraint.

4. The use of physical restraint to be documented by staff or faculty participating in

or supervising the restraint for each student in each instance in which the student is


5. Procedures for the periodic review of the use of restraint and the documentation

described in paragraph (2)(g)(4).

(h) Schools and programs that use physical restraints in accordance with paragraph

(2)(e) of this rule, must ensure that staff and faculty are trained in the use of physical

restraint. This training shall be provided as a part of a program which addresses a full

continuum of positive behavioral intervention strategies as well as prevention and deescalation

techniques. Schools and programs must maintain written or electronic

documentation on training provided and the list of participants in each training.

Records of such training must be made available to the Georgia Department of

Education or any member of the public upon request.

(i) Nothing in this rule shall be construed to interfere with a school system, school

or program, or school or program employee’s authority to utilize time-out as defined

in paragraph (1)(g) of this rule or any other classroom management technique or

approach, including a student’s removal from the classroom, that is not specifically

addressed in this rule.

(j) Nothing in this rule shall be construed to prohibit a school system, school, or

program employee from taking appropriate action to diffuse a student fight or


(k) Nothing in this rule shall be construed to eliminate or restrict the ability of an

employee of a school system, school or program to use his or her discretion in the use

of physical restraint to protect students or others from imminent harm or bodily

injury. Nothing in this rule shall be construed to impose ministerial duties on

individual employees of a school system, school or program when acting to protect

students or others from imminent harm or bodily injury.

(l) In some instances in which a student is an immediate danger to himself or herself

or others, the school or program must determine when it becomes necessary to seek

assistance from law enforcement and/or emergency medical personnel. Nothing in

these rules shall be construed to interfere with the duties of law enforcement or

emergency medical personnel.

1. Parents must be immediately informed when students are removed from the

school or program setting by emergency medical or law enforcement personnel.

Authority: O.C.G.A. §20-2-240.

Adopted: July 8, 2010 Effective: July 29, 2010


Georgia Department Of Education
Adopted Date:  7/8/2010
Effective Date:  7/29/2010

NOTE: The State of Georgia has moved the Georgia Code. This new environment no longer allows us to link directly to the Georgia Code. For example enter 20-02-0211 in the search window and the Georgia Code will appear.
Policy Code Description
JGF(2) Seclusion or Restraint of Students
These references are not intended to be part of the rule itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this rule. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the rule.
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