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Middleton School District No. 134
5 S. Viking Avenue
MiddletonID 83644

Board of Trustees

Jay Clark Jay Clark
Title: Trustee - Zone 1 (Term Expires December 2025)
Work phone:
Home phone:
Trustee - Zone 1 (Term Expires December 2025)
Cindee Powell Cindee Powell
Title: Trustee - Zone 2 (Term Expires December 2025)
Work phone:
Home phone:
Trustee - Zone 2 (Term Expires December 2025)
Jake Dempsey Jake Dempsey
Title: Trustee - Zone 3 (Term Expires December 2027)
Work phone:
Home phone:
Trustee - Zone 3 (Term Expires December 2027)
Pam Wagoner Pam Wagoner
Title: Chair, Trustee - Zone 4 (Term expires December 2025)
Work phone:
Home phone:
Chair, Trustee - Zone 4 (Term expires December 2025)
Derek Moore Derek Moore
Title: Trustee - Zone 5 (Term Expires December 2027)
Work phone:
Home phone:
Trustee - Zone 5 (Term Expires December 2027)

Middleton School District Information

Comprised of six schools, the Middleton School District serves nearly 4,000 students. Our District has 180 highly qualified teaching staff and a School Board that supports collaborative structures that maximize student achievement.

Our goal is to provide a quality education which prepares responsible citizens for lifelong learning. Our vision is to support all students in achieving their fullest potential in an atmosphere safe for growing and learning through the collaborative efforts of our staff, students, parents and the community.

We strive to promote and provide positive choices for our students. We want to continue working closely with our families and with the community to prepare our students to succeed at a variety of post-secondary opportunities. As a team with you, as parents, we want to assist our students in becoming self-disciplined and goal-oriented in preparation for a successful career and enriching lives.


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