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A Regular Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, May 13, 2024 at 5:30 PM at the Central Services Board Room located at 468 Renaissance Drive, Pittsboro, NC 27312. The public is welcome to attend.
    • Balanced Scorecard
    • Custom Report
    • Plan Outline
    • Plan Summary

Flight Plan 2020

7/1/2014 - 6/30/2020
Red Label No Change or Declined
Yellow Label Progress but did not meet
Green Label Meets or Exceeds

Destination 1. Student Learning & Innovation

StrategiesPerformance Measures 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
Milestones for Destination 1Students reading on 3rd grade reading level: Percentage - 45.9/56.1 - 48.9/59.8 - - 80 -
Students proficient on 3-5 Math End of Grade Assessment 65 61.1 65 65.4 65 67.0 65 68.5
Students proficient on 3-5 Reading End of Grade Assessment 65 54.9 65 60.1 65 60.6 65 61.7
Students proficient on 6-8 Math End of Grade Assessment 55 50.1 55 54.9 55 55.1 55 57.6
Students proficient on 6-8 Reading End of Grade Assessment 56 58.8 56 61.6 56 64.0 56 63.4
Students performing at or above proficiency on Biology End of Course High School Assessments:Percentage 70 47.9 70 52.8 70 50.7 70 58.5
Students performing at or above proficiency on Math 1 End of Course High School Assessments:Percentage 70 62.2 70 61.5 70 54.8 70 33.5
Students performing at or above proficiency on English II End of Course High School Assessments:Percentage 68 55.0 68 57.9 68 56.8 68 62.7
Students graduating from CCS within 4 years of entering 9th grade:Percentage 90 86.7 90 87.7 90 85.9 90 88.4
Students graduating from CCS within 5 years of entering 9th grade:Percentage 90 88.7 90 88.6 90 89.1 90 88.8
Students who drop out of CCS:Percentage 1 1.52 1 1.55 1 1.55 1 1.70
students scoring a composite score of 17 or above on the ACT 75 69.3 75 61.4 75 62.7 75 61.8
Students participating in an Early College Program and obtaining associate's degree:Number - 0 100 8 100 35 100 61
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